World Cultures Project: My Most Prized Possession | Essay, Speech, or Movie


After learning about other peoples’ prized possessions from Material World, students will brainstorm things that are of value to them. Next, they will write an essay, speech or movie narration script to share about their most prized possession.


Are you looking for a world cultures project that teaches kids about culture, materialism, consumerism and values?

Look no further than this companion lesson for Material World by Peter Menzel. Menzel’s book features photographs of families from around the world with their most prized possessions on display, giving students a unique insight into the lives and values of people from diverse cultures around the world.

After learning about other peoples’ prized possessions from Material World, students will brainstorm things that are of value to them. Next, they will write an essay, speech or movie narration script to share about their most prized possession.


What’s Included: 

  • Lesson Plan for Teacher – 4 pages
  • Student Pages – 3 pages Directions for Writing Essay + Graphic Organizers for Data Collection
  • Copy of Sample Movie (Link also shared for movie on YouTube if you don’t have Quicktime)

**Book Material World not included in package.



In this lesson plan, students observe, infer and analyze images from the book (I have linked the images, so you do not need to buy the book!). The students use graphic organizers to collect data about their observations. They then choose an object that they consider their most prized possession and write an essay, speech, or movie narration script about its significance. The project can be expanded to be shared with other students around the world, promoting global understanding and empathy.


With teacher instructions, student resources, and links to images, this lesson plan is easy to implement in the classroom. Whether you’re a teacher looking to teach global awareness or a parent interested in fostering empathy and understanding in your child, this lesson plan is the perfect starting point.

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Watch the Sample Movie:



Download now and start fostering cultural empathy and understanding in your students!

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#LessonPlan #MaterialWorld #PeterMenzel #Culture #GlobalAwareness #Empathy #CommonCore #Education #Teaching #TeacherResources #StudentResources


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