Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day?


Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day?

Let your students decide with this informative and thought-provoking package. This bundle includes a variety of materials that can be used separately or together to help your students understand the histories and impacts of both Columbus and the Indigenous Peoples he encountered.


Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day?

Let your students decide with this informative and thought-provoking package. This bundle includes a variety of materials that can be used separately or together to help your students understand the histories and impacts of both Columbus and the Indigenous Peoples he encountered.

What’s included:

  • INTRODUCTORY SLIDE SHOW: Can be assigned to individuals, or done whole group

  • READINGS: Who was Christopher Columbus? Why was a day created for him? Why was Indigenous Peoples Day created?




    • Prewriting activity

    • Sentence stems (for upper elementary students)

    • Frames (for middle & high school students)



First, your students will start with an introductory Google slide deck that can be assigned to individuals or done as a group. The deck covers Christopher Columbus, the Native People he came in contact with, and the impact he made on Indigenous People in general. 


The package’s reading material will help your students answer questions like: Who was Christopher Columbus? Why was a day created for him? Why was Indigenous Peoples’ Day created?


Next, your students will then complete a fact or opinion worksheet and answer short essay questions.


To prepare for writing, your students complete a prewriting activity and then, depending on grade level, complete the sentence stems or frames to help them formulate their thoughts.



This package is perfect for teachers looking for a little-prep, easy-to-implement resource for Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day. It can be used for third grade through high school students, making it a versatile tool for any classroom.


Help your students develop critical thinking skills, cultural diversity education, and gain a deeper understanding of Native American history with this fantastic resource.


With this comprehensive resource, your students will be well-equipped to make their own informed decisions about Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples’ Day.


Want to purchase through TPT? Click here

⏰ Important Note About Google ⏰:

This product is made in Google Slides. After purchase you will download a page that enables you to make a copy of the original file. When downloading this product, you will NOT be asked to access your Google Drive.

#ColumbusDay #IndigenousPeoplesDay #NativeAmericanHistory #SocialStudiesLessonPlans #CulturalDiversityEducation #CriticalThinkingSkills #TeacherResources


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